Tuesday, February 23, 2021

How coworking spaces in Pune are helping all newbie entrepreneurs

 Gone are the days of a nine-to-five job, seated within a walled office. Something that was a vague and unimaginable concept years ago has now become the order of the day in the business world. Coworking spaces have disrupted the concept of a traditional office. They offer burgeoning businesses, workers and other independent contractors a space to get their jobs done, while networking and  themselves in the business community. 

Being a busy, thriving city, coworking spaces in Pune have seen a paradigm shift in the way workers of this age take part in the business world. At present, there are thousands of these spaces in different parts of the world, letting you make the best use of the advantages they offer to plan ahead the success of your business. Coworking in Pune has become a widely accepted mode of working because of the unparalleled advantages it provides for new and upcoming businesses, like a solid daily structure and improved productivity. Coworking spaces and shared offices in Pune are trending now as it has become a trend that helps create a positive change in the work culture. With the advancement in technology and the modernisation of the corporate world, flexible and remote working are becoming widely accepted. Shared office spaces in Pune are not just creative spaces for freelancers and entrepreneurs. They are a conducive environment where established businesses, remote enterprise teams, new startups and all kinds of creatives interact and grow. Whether its a private shared workspace in Pune, coworking or a dedicated desk, these spaces help build a work environment that encourages creativity and nurtures a healthy business growth and better well-being. 

Let us take a look at how coworking and shared office spaces are helping new entrepreneurs. 

Better productivity

Coworking spaces are life-savers for small and upcoming businesses that work out of a home. Working at home comes with a lot of challenges as it involves taking care of the family and getting distracted by the surroundings, like kids, loud noise, and the demands that come from being at home. In between all these everyday responsibilities, there are chances that a new and brilliant you have thought about can drown easily. But a coworking space lets you focus on your task, provides you a conducive work environment and in turn, improves creativity and productivity. Most coworking spaces are open round the clock and that means you can work there without having to worry about when and how you need to get work done. 

Brings down business cost

One of the biggest advantages of choosing a coworking space is the financial aspect of things. There is shared access to the utilities and coworking facilities. And this means, companies can do away with the financial burden required in setting up these amenities. Newbie entrepreneurs can function in these spaces without having to be anxious about setting up office equipment, a full pantry, unstable internet connectivity, dedicated maintenance staff and whatever seems like an impediment in functioning smoothly. 


Having to function as a small business or a freelancer without having people to interact and network with can hamper business growth. But with coworking spaces, one can focus on the tasks at hand, alone, while being surrounded by ambitious minds. There are chances that these workers can come in touch with people that can help in their growth, as resources. Most coworking spaces also offer partnership and educational platforms where entrepreneurs can grow and be inspired.

Coworking spaces are a growing trend and it is becoming increasingly preferred by freelancers, remote workers, new businesses and others. Through its many advantages, it is no surprise that businesses are opting for this model. 

Ultimate guide to make most of your meetings by using meeting rooms effectively

 In this digital age, what employees can do in a traditional physical office can also be carried out seamlessly through a virtual office setup. But it needs to be mentioned that the advantages of a face-to-face meeting beats all other modes of meeting. By bringing a team of people together in a meeting room in Chennai has proven to bring out the best results. 

Business meetings are inevitable to any company. The discussions could be about sharing your goal for the company, pitching projects to customers or creating a better rapport with employees. In any of these cases, there is not much that can be done without a conference room in Chennai. In our interconnected and smart office spaces, meetings are an inevitable part of business. And of late, we have noticed a shift in the pattern and spaces used to gather, like meeting rooms and training rooms in Chennai. There are coffee shops mushrooming everywhere and many employees prefer meeting in one of these spots. However, the benefits of opting for a meeting room rental in Chennai outweighs that of choosing any other alternate space. Let’s take a look at why this is so. 

Different booking methods:

Opting for a meeting room system where there are multiple venue options to choose from helps break down the tedious task of having to find and reserve a room. It could be an internet-based interface that can be accessed through a mobile application or a browser, or a room display that is wall-mounted. These options help busy employees  to find and book meeting rooms. Offices that use digital calendars can leverage on plug-ins that let them book spaces right from there, making lives easier. 

Ample space:

Meeting rooms and conference rooms are generally big and offer ample space to carry out the meeting. It helps schedule meetings on time and decide on the number of attendees so that there can be enough space for everyone to be comfortable in. meetings can also be held in convenient spaces that makes for a conducive environment to focus better on the work at hand. Similarly, for smaller meetings, a suitable space can be arranged. 

Delegate responsibility:

With the help of a meeting room booking system, self-service offers users the ability to control their own meetings. It will be easier on the employees as they do not have to depend on the receptionist to book the space. When reservation becomes the employees’ task, their coordination and collaboration will help take over unused meeting rooms. 


Shelling out money for a monthly lease can add up and become a heavy on the pocket. But this scenario can be easily avoided. This is the reason why many companies rent out their meeting rooms through rental companies or hotels. But reports have shown that renting out rooms through rental companies are way less expensive than going for a hotel meeting room. This is not just cost-effective but the rooms are advanced and well equipped, and suit your evolving business needs. 

Meeting rooms have become the order of the day and they help create an efficient work environment. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Why coworking spaces are one stop solution for all the entrepreneurs

 There has been an evident rise in the number of businesses hopping on the coworking space wagon. This growing trend, where people can rent office spaces while enjoying the many benefits of working in one is a clear sign that the work culture around the world is evolving. And this shift has helped people to exercise more control over their work life. The benefits offered by coworking spaces in Chennai are better enjoyed by burgeoning companies and freelancers as they are free from the constraints of a corporate environment and are at the liberty to choose a space that suits their needs. 

Coworking in Chennai comes with many benefits, be it within a company or in a shared office space where many small businesses and entrepreneurs can conjoin to discuss and work towards their specific goals. In shared offices in Chennai, businesses are carried out differently than they were done in the past. With the rise in the usage of the internet, there has been a noticeable shift but the places of work and the way it’s done hasn’t quite evolved.  As much as there has been a shift in the perception around coworking offices in Chennai, many large corporations are still miles away from adapting this work style. And this divide is where small startups thrive. In recent years, we have witnessed many disruptive technologies emerging from shared workspaces in Chennai. And that points to their deftness in adapting and leaning towards their goals. Things usually take a fast turn in the world of startups but when it comes to large corporates, shifts take forever. We can see how freelancers, startups and small-time entrepreneurs all over the world are enjoying their work from coworking spaces for some very clear reasons.

Better networking 

One of the biggest advantages of a coworking space is that you are exposed to several community events and networking opportunities. This is something that isn’t easily available at a large company. There is always an opportunity to meet new people every day and work alongside them. There are monthly or weekly events like workshops, fireside chat and more and it offers a platform to find fresh collaborators and investors. 

Improved flexibility

There is some kind of orderliness in working from a traditional office space that cannot be denied. Waking up at a particular time every day and sticking to a routine makes life easier for some people as it feels fulfilling. But there is something more that a coworking space offers, like opting to work from a single desk or scaling up. Working in a shared office space allows people to adjust their work as per their convenience and business goals. 

Minimal office expenditure

Setting up an office is a tedious task that requires a lot of funds. A coworking space lets people work as per their convenience in a fully equipped office without having to worry about putting together their own workspace. This helps them cut down on unwanted overhead expenses. People can enjoy office facilities by taking up a membership. This means that members can enjoy a business address in a prime location that will help them look professional. 

Coworking is indeed the new order of the day, and we can see why it is clearly so.