Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Why demand for served offices is increasing in Delhi


It has not been long since the concept of serviced office spaces in Delhi has surfaced and become a rage all around. A serviced office can be a semi-furnished or fully serviced office that comes fully equipped and can be used on a pay per use basis. It is often located in a building space that is managed by an operator. As per the members’ needs, operators will let out on rent a single office space or even the entire floor space in such a way that they can access a ready-to-use, private office space on adjustable terms. 


In this current age and time, an increasing amount of businesses are looking to rent out adjustable commercial space options like serviced offices in New Delhi and other virtual offices in place of traditional office spaces. In place of shelling out a large sum of money on leases, facility costs, maintenance, equipment installation and furnishing, a serviced office in Delhi comes completely managed and offers a transparent monthly fee that includes all the facilities. Leases that are flexible give access to the office space on a monthly basis and this in turn help businesses scale up or down as needed, and create an office space for remote workers around the globe. 

Serviced offices are also known as business centres, managed offices and executive offices. Operators that manage these serviced office spaces are also in charge of accommodating businesses and maintaining facilities. Your business might require only a small space for a particular requirement or it might require more offices to be adjoined for more employees to be accommodated. Either way, the spaces can be best configured for the ideal result. This flexible arrangement in the workspace can be hailed as a global shift as companies and businesses now look for more efficient and effective ways of creating office spaces. 

Let’s take a look at the benefits of leasing out a serviced office space.

Improved productivity

Serviced offices are created in such a way that they create a conducive environment for both you and your team and keeps them productive and thoroughly engaged in work. By offering you a private office space, this will allow you to work uninterruptedly, focusing on the work at hand, without any of the distractions that are likely to pop up in a shared workspace. Most serviced office spaces also come with a pantry, with free coffee and light snacks within the space, eliminating the need for employees to walk out for such quick needs. Also, the internet connectivity and electricity at these serviced spaces are often high speed and fully functional, which means that your business can be online all the time without any disruptions and can allow faster response to customer emails and calls. 

Associate with professional administrative staff

Apart from finding your own office space in a busy city like Delhi, a physical, traditional office will require people to take care of running and maintaining your space. This can mean posting job vacancies, interviewing people, hiring efficient people and so on. However, a serviced office removes the need to induct administrative staff, maintenance staff and other helpers. This is because serviced office spaces come with professionals who are already well versed with their particular areas of work and can ease your transition into your new office. This helps you not just monetarily but also saves you time and effort by not having to go through the time consuming process of hiring. You can also eliminate the need to answer calls and other small day-to-day tasks that can pose as distractions. 

A prestigious business address

Serviced offices are usually located in posh locations, commercial areas or financial districts. And there are numerous benefits to having an office in such a space, including the proximity of financial institutions, hotels and restaurants, services etc. Besides the obvious convenience they come with, serviced offices also come with a competitive edge for business development. For instance, chances are more for customers to buy from companies or businesses that are located in trustworthy, renowned locations rather than from a random building or residence. 


As the expenses and efforts required to set up and maintain a traditional office is soaring, more and more people are opting for serviced offices. And the reason is clear.

The Pros and Cons of Meeting Rooms in Delhi

 Presently, Coworking spaces have become very popular, considering the pandemic situation. Most companies have vacated their leased offices and are now returning to look for coworking spaces. It is more prevalent among remotely working individuals, self-employed professionals, or a small team. These coworking spaces have meeting rooms that offer adequate privacy needed.


These meeting rooms are popping up in all the cities, and the meeting rooms in Delhi are among them. In Delhi, there are various types of meeting rooms available. We need to consider a few things while choosing them. Meeting rooms should be selected based on the kind of meetings, the number of attendees, etc. You can choose the conference room for rent in New Delhi, which is sure to be the perfect choice for your next meeting in the city.


Types of Meeting Rooms


There are five types of Meeting rooms. You can check for the available meeting rooms on rent in New Delhi.


·       Classroom Style

·       Theater Style

·       Team/Pod Style

·       U-Shaped Style

·       Conference Style


Each style has its pros and cons. It would be best to find the ideal meeting rooms in New Delhi that will fit your needs.


Pros of Meeting Rooms in Delhi

·       Affordable

·       Provided Amenities

·       Maintains Privacy

·       Gets Improvement each time

·       Flexible


Affordable: Coworking spaces and meeting rooms are a boon to small teams and self-employed professionals as they need to spend only for their spending in the office. It has become very convenient for them as they can keep moving the budget depending solely on their needs, and they need to pay only for what they use and nothing extra. It makes meeting rooms and coworking spaces more popular in this pandemic situation.


Provided Amenities: You will need some amenities depending on the type of business you run. One of the perks of coworking spaces is that they're equipped with almost all the amenities you'll need. It includes a reliable internet connection, office equipment, and fully-furnished meeting areas. Like the conference room in New Delhi, each coworking space will have its unique amenities like lounges, coffee bars, and snacks to keep members happy and comfortable.


Maintains Privacy: Another essential advantage of using meeting rooms in Delhi is privacy. Yes, every meeting room offers the privacy you need. One can conduct any confidential meeting at this place without any hesitation. These coworking spaces are 100% safe for conducting business meetings or interviews, or any other event.


Cons of Meeting Rooms in Delhi


Now, let's check out the cons of these meeting rooms:


·       Might run of budget

·       Distractions & Restrictions

·       Limited Space


Might run out of budget: 

Meeting rooms or the coworking spaces are not that expensive but, time and the number of hours you spend in the office can make you go broke if you are a self-employed person. For such people, workspaces like libraries or coffee shops with free Wi-Fi are a better option until you can afford to pay the monthly rent for a coworking space. 


Distractions & Restrictions: 

A coworking space will have employees from various firms. You won't be having control over the meetings or any other happenings inside the workspace. There will be many disturbances and distractions around which you need to cope with, including the numerous calls, the chit chats, the meetings, and even the neighboring music.


Limited Space: 

Along with the restrictions and distractions, you need to adjust to the limited space available. There will be various offices running their businesses inside a single coworking or meeting room. It would be best if you made sure that no one is disturbed. You can opt for a hot desk where you get a different seat each day, or a dedicated desk solely for you, or even a private office, depending on your budget.


Coworking or the meeting rooms may not be the best solution for everyone, but it can be a great relief to those seeking an affordable, well-equipped workspace. Would you consider running your business from a coworking space? Share your opinions in the comment section below

Why is demand for coworking spaces is increasing post pandemic?


While lock-down continues in some countries, India is gradually gaining its momentum, with people taking the necessary precautions. It has been months since the offices have shut down and people are working from home. We see that people have adjusted to living with the situation, and are now seeking alternatives to return to their offices. In India, companies are coming up with different strategies that are entirely different from the previous ones. Yes, most of the companies are looking for coworking spaces. In Delhi, people are looking for new spaces to open their offices. Hence, huge demand has come for the coworking space in Delhi.


Shared workspace in Delhi is gaining momentum. It is because employers are being called upon to develop hybrid workplace strategies and more flexible working arrangements. The shared workspace in Delhi helps companies to provide employees with the goodness of a coworking model. These hot desks in NewDelhi provide all the facilities and amenities to companies.


Here are five reasons why coworking spaces will be in demand post-pandemic:


  • Flexibility
  • Customized Adaptation
  • Helps to build contacts and communities
  • Leaving it to the Experts
  • Ready for the future




Many companies had to deal with the crisis of paying leases during the lock-down period with heavy security deposits. It took away the cash flow of the business, and they failed to adjust to changes in the economy quickly. Now, the sharedoffice space in Delhi gives the flexibility to reduce the team, making coworking spaces crucial. 


Due to the pandemic, the Government has urged companies to implement flexible work hours, adequate gaps between shifts, and social distancing within offices. As a result, it has now become crucial than before for employers to have the option of smaller, or more flexible workspaces, due to the high demand.


Customized Adaptation


Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the Government has advised everyone to maintain social distancing. So, companies have to entertain the physical distance between their employees. As a result, it becomes difficult for companies to accommodate the employees in the office within the same space. The coworking space New Delhi offers modern office space for those companies who are planning to restart their business the pre-pandemic way. Coworking spaces can offer the changes required post-COVID-19 quickly in an efficient way than traditional office spaces.


Helps to build contacts and communities


Lock-down period and loner isolation might have accounted for dangerous mental and health consequences for employers. A sudden detachment from friends, colleagues and others is much tougher to adjust with. Working from home does not always favour those who want to live the office and friends life. Coworking spaces help those people to fight their loneliness and depression. Coworking New Delhi has many options for employees to build their contacts and communities with the people they meet at these office spaces.


Leaving it to the Experts


It is the worst time for the bosses because they have to deal with several things right from shutting down the office for an unpredictable period, favouring the employees to work from home without affecting their productivity, etc. So, when the rethink of a comeback to the regular office space, they should be confident about not losing the productivity of their employees and should be able to run their office hassle-free.


Ready for the future


With COVID-19, the whole world has adapted to face the challenges of the situation. Still, when the lock-down prevails in some countries, India is gaining a recovery with limited restrictions. But, companies are little hesitant to commit to a long-term lease agreement due to the number of cases spiking in the country. 


So, better to be prepared for the future the best way. Restrictions will continue in the future. Companies and the employees should adapt to the more changes that might arise in the country in the future.

How meeting rooms can help you increase productivity

 In the recent past, we have witnessed huge waves of change in the way businesses are carried out. Many new changes have made their entry and exit, starting from clean, trimmed corporate looks and wears to fax machines, a dedicated work cellphone, etc. But what has remained constant through it all is the fact that people must meet for ideas to be born and executed. And for this, a dedicated space is required. This is where the need for meeting rooms in Bangalore comes into play. Meetings are always integral to a company. Whether it is to build a better rapport with your colleagues and employees , or share your goal for the business, put forth your ideas before customers, a meeting or conference room in Bangalore is indispensable. Many upcoming businesses needn't have the budget to create a space like this. And that is the best thing about hiring a meeting space in Bangalore. A dedicated meeting space means your business can give out a good first impression to your partners and clients, while also creating a professional environment that can make for a great meeting place. 

Whether you’re looking to rent a training room in Bangalore or create your own customised meeting room space, there are a few important factors to be considered. 


Flexibility: This is mostly ignored by many businesses but for a smooth functioning, meeting rooms will have to ensure flexibility. The room can be designed or set up in such a way that it looks conducive to working for all kinds of meetings. Pick up tables and chairs that can be arranged in different ways, like a classroom styled one or theatre styled, etc. a flexible conference or meeting room will undoubtedly ensure that meetings are conducted in an optimal environment. 

Support services: Take into account the kind of support services that will be required for your meeting room to function. One of the foremost factors to ensure is the access of secure, high-speed internet connectivity. Other considerations are basic requirements like access to a printer, audiovisual tools, kitchen or pantry setup, etc. 

Accessibility: it is ideal to look for a meeting room that can be accessed by all kinds of people, including the ones with disabilities or other general mobility issues. It is also advised to ensure that your room is easily identifiable for everyone. There is nothing more disappointing than getting to a meeting really late just because you could not spot it. 


There has emerged a culture where meetings are often held at coffee shops. However, this has shifted to a more professional, meeting room setup  as it is more preferred by both businesses and clients these days, considering the advantages suh rooms bring. Let’s take a deep dive into how meeting rooms can ensure a better, productive business. 


New ideas and thoughts are born here

When people come together and brainstorm ideas and bring in new thoughts about innovations and solutions, it becomes a hotspot for think tanks. There are companies that dedicate an entire conference or meeting room to plan and put forth ideas to conquer the future. They even call it names like incubators and think tanks for this purpose. The main idea is to stock up meeting rooms with tools that helps induce creativity and allows ideas to flow seamlessly. These tools can be anything, like video conferencing units, mobile furniture, white boards and markers, high res TVs and more that helps people to explore and put forth different perspectives. 


Cost effective and advanced
Paying leases or month;y rent eventually adds up. But these are expenses that can be cut out if planned well. This is the reason why most burgeoning and advanced businesses these days opt for meeting rooms at hotels or through meeting room rental services. Renting out the required space through companies that are specialised in renting out these spaces can help you save up to 50% on spending on hotel meeting rooms. Meeting rooms don’t just cost less but they are also ideal and suitable for your business needs. It comes equipped with all that you need for a smooth session. 

Makes for a great first impression
Like a good outfit, a conference room or meeting room conveys to the client that your business is in good shape, got a good personality going, has reached a certain success level, pays attention to detail and stays updated in a fast moving modern world. With a well-furnished, well-designed meeting room and unique, modern equipment, guests or clients feel more welcome and can instantly lead them to place their trust in you.

Meeting rooms come with many benefits than one. And we can undoubtedly say why it looks promising in the present and increasingly, in the future.

How coworking spaces can help you transform from traditional to modern way of working


Gone are the days when you had to rush through your morning chores and zip through to get to your office on time and get knee deep in work. With the advancement in technology, there has also been a paradigm shift in the way people think and function. One such change is the introduction of coworking spaces that has caught on well with the modern day crowd, especially in technologically advanced cities like Bangalore. 


Coworking spaces in Bangalore offer independent contractors, small businesses and other employees a place to work, connect and be a part of the local business community. A shared office space in Bangalore was a totally new and undiscovered concept ten years ago. But since then, coworking spaces have totally changed the way in which workers of these days connect with the evolving business world. At present, there are over 17000 coworking spaces all over the world, which means comprehending the advantages that come along with using those spaces plays an integral part in planning your company’s success. 


The rise of coworking spaces and hot desks in Bangalore point to a positive direction. What this trend says is that there are workers choosing to work from a purely professional place but at the same time, steer clear of the overheads. They choose to collaborate and network better and many companies are opting to work out of shared workspaces in Bangalore as they offer spaces on rent which means it is a cost-effective alternative compared to owning a physical office space. Not only do Bangalore coworking spaces provide a space to work but they also come with other benefits that are exclusively provided to the members in that particular space. But before renting out a coworking office spaces in Bangalore, businesses must decide what it is that they are looking for. It is true that there will be distractions around but picking the right space will make the shift easier and not have an effect on the business environment. 


Let’s take a look at the benefits of these coworking spaces. 


Improved productivity

This holds true for the small and burgeoning businesses that are working out of their homes. Staying and working from homes can get challenging after a point of time as they are constant distractions. There will be household chores, it could be kids, small maintenance works and some other unannounced tasks coming your way. But by going to a shared workspace and working there, you are automatically pushed to work mode, and through that, improve your productivity. Most coworking spaces function all day, everyday, which means there is no room to worry about when a task needs to be fulfilled.  



One of the most impressive features of a coworking space is its flexibility. You can get to choose the date and time of your work and get there whenever you want. Renting a shared space gives you the opportunity to take charge of your own tasks for the day without having to report to someone or owning a traditional office space. Additionally, if at all you feel like giving up your membership, there are many flexible choices to do it. This makes it an impressive business service to be explored that you can experience and see whether it’s of your liking or not. If you like it, it’s for you to work from. If not, you can cancel it out, anytime. 



Small and budding entrepreneurs might find it difficult to own a dedicated private office space. But with a shared office space, the benefits of working within that space outweighs the cost. Business owners can continue to work in spaces like these without having to rake their brains over overhead expenses like equipment cost, maintenance, electricity, internet, pantry space, cleaning workers, etc. in a tension-free environment like this, you don’t just save on money but can ensure a smooth working environment. 


Better networking opportunities

Working on your own means complete freedom. But things get a bit difficult when you are not provided a space to network or build a sense of community. When you choose a coworking space, you are not working alone. You are surrounded by like-minded, aspirational new business owners and members. Connecting with these people can serve as great resources for you to grow and learn from. Some coworking spaces even provide partnership and educational platforms that will help you grow and be inspired. 


These benefits and more are the reason why there has been an increase in the number of businesses choosing to work from coworking spaces.